Jan 26, 2010 21:06
All I can say about this movie... Wow.
Sometimes, when I get into a story... I get into it deep.
Sometimes I can get the complexities of the storyline... even when it's a multifaceted one like this.
We, as humans, are a destructive race. We're greedy. We create war. We destroy.. and for what?
What is so important that we have to kill this planet that God has given us. This precious planet we poison with pollution. We plunder the natural resources. We fill the air with toxic chemicals, poisoning not only us, but future generations.
At this rate, We won't have a planet to live on 30 years from now.
And if we do find a way to colonize another planet, will we learn from the mistakes we made here? Are we just going to go there and kill that planet as well?
In the movie, earthlings go to the planet Pandora.. to plunder it of a mineral... all for the sake of a buck. Innocents die, killed for no other reason but to get this mineral. It is up to just one person to change that idea.
And when his life is in danger.. the same beings that his own people were trying to kill.. and the woman he loves save him. Wow... That's love. She knew her human was in trouble... and she loved not only his Na'vi avatar... but the human heart that compelled him.
Can we love our own neighbor that much? They may look different, they may believe different.. but they deserve the chance to love and be loved just the same as we do. There is nothing wrong with loving someone who believes different than you.
When it all boils down to the bare nature, we all bleed red blood.