Nov 07, 2006 13:24
Hey folks, long time no type. I'd like to say I've been busy, and I have. I'd like to say it was because of school, though that's not 100% accurate. While I have indeed been swamped with work for a good portion of the semester, I end up getting more swamped because I don't just do the work assigned right away. Japanese has been kicking my butt. I realize that I really suck at language, kinda crapy realization considering my future career depends on me becoming fluent. Wheras I would get by with the minimum before and still get As, moderate studying only produces Cs on tests. I'm hoping my other grades in there will make up for it and get me a B. I can hardly stand to be in my other classes, and I've skipped more this semester than all my previous semesters combined, mostly my Middle East class with is kinda worthless up to te test. Yet I managed a B on the last one. I've also had to deal a lot with that wonderful BS of Academia. Things are winding down so of course I have to report to a million people in order to get out, because it seems they don't want me out. Grad checks, graduation stuff, parents pushing me to talk, and this JET thing have got me a bit bogged down. I've spent a lot of time on this stupid essay because wuite simply, I'm a modest person, I suck at selling myself, I don't have any teaching experience while applying for a teaching position, and I hate writing stupid essays. I have found a little beacon of hope that is FF12, though with school this week and other issues, I haven't been able to play it as much as I'd like. Which is to say, gluing myself to the tv and never leaving...ever. I was in the middle of the game when my mother decides now is the good time to talk to me about some senior picture thing for FSU that's going on 2 MONTHS FROM NOW. A combination of complete apathesism for doing any extra work not needed, doing any related to picture-taking, and being in the middle of a good game have me in the most unresponsive mood. Nevertheless, she drones on causing me to miss some important directions. But that's ok and I was completely slaughtered a few minutes later and sent back to the last saved game. I sometimes wonder if I'm doing this thing for other people... I dunno, I just want out so bad and to finally move on. an extra four years in this dump just tend to get at you.