Title: Names
Pairing: YabuHika
Word count: 385
Disclaimer: I own neither Yabu nor Hikaru. Or even Inoo. T__T
Summary : Yabu and Hikaru talked about something, which even the wise Inoo couldn't keep up with.
“Yabu Hikaru…Yaotome Kouta…Yabu Hikaru…Ya,Bu Hi.Ka,Ru…. Yabu Hikaru really sounds better, Hika!”
Yaotome Hikaru shook his head firmly, arm folded. “No, it doesn’t. It sounds too common, I’ve told you. We often hear this ‘Yabu Hikaru, Yabu Hikaru’ everywhere. Yaotome Kouta sounds very nice!”
“It sounds weird~~” Yabu moaned. “I don’t like people calling me Kouta… and everyone is calling me Yabu, anyway. Let’s just decided on Yabu Hikaru already!”
Inoo, who had been watching the ‘argument’ from afar, approached the two unofficial leaders of Hey! Say! JUMP. “What are you two talking about?” he asked out of curiosity.
Yabu appealed to Inoo at once. “Which one sounds better, Yabu Hikaru or Yaotome Kouta?”
Inoo’s jaw dropped. “What the heck? Are you two getting married or what?”
Hikaru blushed slightly. “He started it.” He said, pointing to Yabu. “During Hi! Hey! Say! recording , he said, “Get married to me!” and I didn’t even know how to reply. Then, he began to talk about the names and it still bugs me until now!”
Inoo looked at Yabu, perplexed. “And why they hell did you say something like that?”
Yabu shrugged and grinned. “Well, for no reason, really. Hikaru’s speechless face sure is priceless.”
“Stupid!” Hikaru shoved Yabu’s shoulder before turning back to Inoo. “So which one is better; Yabu Hikaru or Yaotome Kouta?”
Inoo thought about it for a while. “I think I like Yabu Hikaru better. Like…people have been calling you two that, right? Yaotome Kouta is fine, too but ‘Kouta’ seems unfamiliar… most people don’t call Yabu that, do they?”
Yabu clapped his hands. “See?” he taunted. “I’ve told you, Hachibee!”
Hikaru sulked. “I want my name to be put in front…”
Inoo laughed at Hikaru’s gloomy face. “Don’t be that upset…it’s not like you two are serious about changing names, right?”
“Perhaps we should just do like you said earlier…” Yabu said casually as if Inoo had not been saying anything.
Hikaru nodded gloomily. “Yeah, the elder brother will use my name and the younger brother will use yours…hey, what if there is another one?”
Yabu pursed his lips. “Well…in that case…”
And it was the time when Inoo stood up and leave the two, shaking his head; it would take more than his intelligence to understand Yabu and Hikaru’s way of thinking.
And yes, this is based on the
proposal. ^v^ Sorry if there is any mistakes in my English and pardon my lame idea. =,= I wrote this to keep myself awake in a class XP . Comments will be nice yo, even if you don't like it. Just no flame, please. ^^