I didn’t do much again today. Only browsing around. Watching Kitayama in Playzone over and over. I should stop that, or I might like him better than Yuu someday. His voice is way better than Yuu’s, anyway. And he is funnier. I like funny guys. I don’t mind shorties too; I love Ryo and Chii despite of their heights. Ah, yabai; this is no good, Yuu.
But I found a cool scan just now. Of Gokusen casts. There are Takaki, Tamamori, Kiriyama and Nakama. Love the pictures very much. Everyone looks good~
Scans credits to :
shatteredtenshi - Look~ Even Takaki look good here! LOL. I rarely find Takaki good-looking, actually. He doesn’t look that good without make-up. Well, Yuu’s skin is not really good too but at least he is still cute! XP
Talking about make-ups, I think Uchi looks damn nicer without them. I used to like Uchi a lot when he was with NEWS. Somehow my fondness of him is fading nowadays but seeing him without make-ups reminded me of the old Uchi I used to know. I hate it when the boys grow up; now I am afraid to know what kind of man Kusano has turned to. I heard he is one of the Akanishi Army; that’s no good. LOL. What the hell I am talking about; Ryo is in there too. But for Kusano, can’t he stay as that funny guy forever?
I’m tempted to make that Tamamori-Takaki picture my banner but everyone loves the Ya-Ya-yah one so I think I won’t do that. Wait…Takaki in my LJ banner? I am losing my mind…
By the way, Taisuke, Hiro (LOL. No Kitayama anymore.) and Yuu are going to appear in a new show on 3rd January. It seems like a food show to me. Daiki and Hikaru will be there too. All my favourite guys in one show? Great~ It will be the last day of my holiday, anyway.
I don’t really like food show; everything is “Umai~” to them. I have a feeling that the juniors has been trained to say “Umai~” in a mouth-watering action. I would like them to eat something bad for once and say “Mazui~” instead. Plus, Yuu + Food show = No good. I watched his episode of Hadaka no Shounen with Hikaru; it’s so boring. But it’s not like I’m going to miss anything with him, anyway. And Hiro will be there; it wouldn’t be that bad. ^^
I keep singing along to Oshare; it’s driving my little bro crazy. LOL. It’s not my fault that I can’t get enough of that song; it’s Hiro’s fault. I can’t even get it out from my head.
Ja ne?
Saiaku na monaa Breaking and breaking
Yabee ima no ore kakkoyoku ne?
Furukusee monaa Get out and get out
Ore nanbaawan kono machi no King
Isn't it?
The worst things are breaking and breaking.
Damn, wasn't I cool just now?
My bad.
Out of style things need to get out and get out.
I'm the number one, the king of this city.
Credits to :
shimizumiki Yuu, go and improve your singing before I love Hiro more. Or get a new drama or something. That would do too.