Obviously, it's from Tsong1-Can Try. ^^
I watched the latest episode of Shounen Club last night as soon as it's available on Youtube. I won't do full summary like I always do but let me start with this; I love this episode.
I will talk about the details once I got the HD video, so allow me to do some flailing now. Of Nozawa and Tamamori. ^^
Nozawa is... a hotelman. LOL. It's like bell boy, or porter, but 'hotelman' they called him. Just because his outfit looks like those workers and with his height, it looks very good on him. During the Jr. Colosseum, they only called him Nozawa like...twice? It was all 'hotelman', 'hotelman', instead. Kitayama started it; he said something like, "But my partner is a hotelman..." Bet he is just jealous with Nozawa's height; he looks too short standing beside Nozawa and he is 7 years older, for God's sake! xD
During the game, they kept teasing Nozawa by saying, "Irrashaimase!" (lit. Welcome!), which is the thing a hotelman usually says, I suppose. But the hotelman Nozawa did very well in both games, so it's okay~ xD On side note, Tamamori thought of climbing the stage but failed and used the stairs instead while Yokoo slipped on the stage. LOL.
Tamamori sang his first solo, Tsong1- Can Try. I have listened to it countless times before but I still look forward for the performance, mainly because I wanted to know the lyrics. There are some random English; like.. "Life like kiss"...what the heck is that? I thought it was 'Life's like this"! The others are acceptable, though. It is a nice, simple song. But it's shame that they left the "Got me." part; I love that part the most. ^^
Kis-My-Ft2's performed Hair after that. Better performance, I think. But Kitayama still went with his 'complicaly' instead of 'complicated'; no one corrected him? >.> Nikaido's parts are very nice~ They also did some changes on the hand movements; they are sexier now. xD And Tamamori kept fixing his microphone; he must have realized his mistakes in the previous Hair performance. ^^ And I, for one, think that the performances are Tamamori-centric.
Talking about Tamamori... it seems that he is getting cooler in this episode. It's not like I hate it; I am the one who keeps saying how I love his hairstyle when he appeared with Tackey in MS before and he wore the hairstyle in the episode. It looks very good on him, but well, Tamamori Yuta is that cute Tama-chan. Or so it seems to me. He still had the 'cute' image when he played in Jr. Colosseum but the image faded when he performed his solo song and disappeared completely when he performed Hair with the others. ><" Like Kitayama once said, I wish Tamamori would keep those cute sides of him even after he grows up. It's okay to be coolly cute, or cutely cool, you know. ^^
I screamed, and nearly cried, when Taiga got to sing on his own, by the way. It has been a while since I hear that beautiful voice. ^v^
A couple of screencaps; other will have to wait for HD files. ^^
Notice the height difference yo! LOL.
Lovey-dovey TamaYokoo~~ xD xD
I seriously don't know what to do now....Perhaps...a fanfiction? xD Off going to lie down a bit, anyway. ^^
MegaUpload is being crazy to me now. Please, I need to download Crows Zero II part 2 ASAP; don't leave me hanging like that! ><"