Enari-kun is Japanese of Jang Dong-gun??
Tsuyoshi can't accept that.
Enari-kun is Japanese of DiCaprio?
Daijyoubu yo x)
PS: downloaded part 001 only, and I can see that Koichi kept looking at his aikata..
Koichi being a little devil here, asked Fukakyon to...
They went to Tako restaurant.
Koichi said he loves tako~
Koichi knew that Kyoko dislike tako~
Koichi wanted to see the tako~
O_o Tsuyoshi...
Tsuyoshi mistaken the tako as (Yoshida) Ken-san? :p
Ok, now the main part.
Tako live as the dish..
Even paid, I won't eat it, never!
KinKi futari try to eat them..
Koichi asked Kyoko to try..
Kyoko refused at first..
But, she gave in and..
This extra spicy dish...
Koichi can't stand it
To my opinion, Koichi is the most high tension in this episode^^'
I wonder why Tsuyoshi took the dish quite a lot.
and someone looks happy instead xD
Yes, let's buy doughnouts.
Tsuyoshi tried to give the answer
someone answered first and he copied it.
Ohashi Kyosen
because Koichi forgot that this was on air^^
So, it was Takamizawa who had to pay?
at the fortune teller
Koichi seemed really like Aoki Sayaka :p
Happy faces~
Before I forgot,
KKL moment: Koichi tried to chase away Enari from interrupt between KinKi
This was seen on the beginning, but it happened to be cut?