from DK#376 - 20090301 - Kyoko Fukada + Kendo Kobayasahi

Mar 02, 2009 17:22

I knew that not everyone seeing the same but, what I saw is that the whole episode seemed about Koichi showed that he had a crush on Kyoko (or vice versa?), like a little boy^^'

OMG Koichi, I didn't know that you're really 30 years old ojisan!
He said Kyoko looks like Akihiro Miwa (see photo) instead! Well, can't blame him though^^'

I'm hopeless with him..

wifey watching him...

Koichi expressions!

I wanna smack pinch Koichi for being a little bratt!^^

KinKi Kids, behind the scene...

(Koichi) the reaction was

act one

act two

He really can't escape from that!^^'
As for Tsuyoshi, as we're all knew..

love love?

The performance is a big lol!

In fact, I'm the one who feel embarassed o_o

PS: I saw a thin moustache there...

an attempt to understand domoto kyoudai, kinki kids

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