Can anyone give me any details or reviews on the books 'The New Bottoming Book' and 'The New Topping Book'? Are they worth getting at all?
I've been interested in getting them but i'm not sure. I was hoping someone would let me know what they thought of them if they have read them before.
I wonder if anyone on my friends list would actually have heard of those?o.O lol
i actually had a ?scary? thought. What if i actually truely was into kink and some BDSM? The thought passed trough my mind and i dwelled on it and it kind of scared me. Because what are the chances of me finding a partner who actually is willing to try these things with me? Plain ol' vanilla sex is ok with me. Heck if my partner's willing to get a little rough that would make me estactic.
So that was my little rant today. Sometimes i just need to get things out on paper...or screen?lol
ps- Big Shiny Tunes 11??lol