Apr 26, 2010 17:15
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL. Even if you won't see this.
1. Maths.
2. Philosophy - I did my lesson on paganism/wicca, Mr Randall mocked me and pissed me off a bit but then said it was a 'good lesson, well done' afterwards, which just goes to show how fucking confusing that man is. Oh well, everyone seemed interested, though I had to say "It varies from person to person" an inordinate amount of times, because it does. Hum. Good experience though. Except for Mr R constantly interrupting me.
3. Psychology - I carried out an experiment, and didn't realise we were being assessed on how well we carried out the experiment...sigh. We forgot a shitload of stuff: ethics, telling them they can withdraw at any time, random allocation for groups, etc, etc...! Oh well, apparently this was normal for a first go. I also got to print off funny cartoons. So yay!
4. Spanish - we talked about models and me and Shelly staged a overdramatic horrified reaction to a picture of a model in what looked like a slut outfit made out of rubbish binbags. That was funny.
5. After school I went to wait in the library comp. room for a bit before leaving, and there was this dude looking at doctor who vids on youtube. So I was all "heyyy, Doctor who! :D" and the guy was like ":O YEAH!" and we suddenly started talking, and he added me on facebook, and seemed really keen to chat with me. I think this is one of those rare advantages of being in the senior school, and therefore recognisable to the rest of the school, especially considering my gender ambiguity is a topic of great discussion in the lower years.
SO YEAH. I MAY HAVE MADE A NEW FRIEND, AWESOME. We seemed to agree that Dr Who and Merlin and Torchwood were all awesome, and also gay people were awesome (lawl). He called me "Eli" cause that's what it says on my FB, which was cool, but surprising. And then called me "dude" when I left, and his friend was all "uh, she's not a dude". Asshole friend.
EDIT: my god i hate english. -smashes face on desk- MR ORTEGA, WHYYYYYYYYYYY
doctor who