Jun 08, 2010 22:53

I'm so bloody mad right now I could scream!!!

Why do men never listen? They just talk and talk and talk about why you're supposedly mad but when you try to tell them why you really are they steamroll you and make new shit up. What is the point of even talking?!


Sorry for my rant, I just really need to blow off some steam. Not only is the man being an incredible douche lately I'm having trouble finding a job and my debt is just growing and growing and I live in a tiny shithole bedroom in a party house with four other men and only two other bedrooms and they use my razors and leave pee on the toilet and food in the sink and spitters on the table and my whole family is split in forty different directions looking at me to fix all their problems amongst each other and I am seriously about to have a mental breakdown.


Anyhoo, does anyone want to be my beta for HP Prisonerfest??


hp prisonerfest, ranting

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