Fennesz / Endless Summer
I still can’t quite capture this record. Many of these essays and write ups I started months ago, allowing time to expand and contract my thoughts, examine what I really wanted to say and the words I wanted to pluck from my mind to say it. But not this one. The space below the title Endless Summer was always kept glaringly white. While all the others stretched from paragraphs into pages, this was left empty. Blank.
As I listen to it now, I think I’m finally starting to realize why.
For me, it is simply perfect sound. I know that is what the truth rests as. It is music, notes, and sound sculpted from beauty. The vibrant color and natural pixels that comprise Endless Summer seem to amplify the sunshine and harmonize with the wind, creating something otherworldly and earthly in the same instant.
Perfect. There is much more I could say, but nothing that needs to be.