Apr 25, 2005 15:38
Hey, just thought I'd update with all of the Prom stuff. The day of prom I went over to Chris's house for a few hours with Nick and Chris. We chilled in the hot tub for a while. And we talked about how while the girls were getting their hair done and all of that stuff, the guys were just relaxing in the hot tub. haha. Then I went home, got ready, and left to pick up Kim at 5:00 something. When her mom answered the door I saw Kim standing in the living room. I had to fight my mouth from dropping. She looked AMAZING. When I got there we took some pictures and stuff. I ended up getting her 2 corsages so she could pick whichever one she liked best, and could keep the other one (Yeah, I know I'm gay). Then we left to meet everyone at Alyssa's because they didn't know how to get to the GBCC. It was a long drive there, and I had trouble paying attention to the road because it was hard for me to take my eyes off of her. We got to the country club, took pictures and ate. It was really good. We got to the dance at 9 something. It was kinda early and there were a bunch of weird people there at first. But within 20 minutes everyone else started to show up. Kim had a really bad headache and someone gave her medicine (forgot who). Then we went out to the dance floor and started bustin some crazy moves...haha jk. We went out and danced for pretty much the whole time, every so often my pant's built in belt thing would come undone and I'd have to stop and take like 5 minutes each time to fix it. And then we stopped when a gay song came on (which wasn't very often). They had some pretty good slow dance songs, but I wish they would have had a more modern theme song from prom. Haha it was "Wonderful Tonight". It was great seeing all of my friends there out on the dancefloor. What was up with the suspenders? Haha, I wish I would have had those so I wouldn't have had to stop dancing when the belt got messed up. I like being taller than a girl while slow dancing because I can scope out the whole dancefloor while Kim is stuck staring at my chest ;). Overall, the dance was really fun. Especially because I was with Kim. Afterwards we went to Kim's and changed for post-prom. I forgot to bring extra shoes...so I wore her dads haha. Post prom was pretty fun, playing some bball, ping pong with scotty p, football with phil. Then we went to Justin's house and watched the Notebook...but didn't even finish and I have no idea what happened. Then everyone else was asleep so Kim and I slept also. I woke up at 8 something because I had to bring Kim home. I ended up in Depere when I was driving her home? So I dropped her off then went home. I REALLY love her. Now she's telling me about the 8th grade dance and how I'm going to be "lucky" because I will see her in a short skirt...there might've been more to that but I forget ;)
Well, I have a golf match tomorrow at Royal Scot. I hope I f-in dominate. Peace