(no subject)

Feb 23, 2009 22:01

i. I feel like doing Roman numerals today.

ii. I just got finished watching a movie and doing a write up of it for a class. It wasn't even a very interesting movie! Well, the content was interesting, but the performance was boring. Eh.

iii. Last week the school had a career fair, and I went because, well, not too long before I'm done with school. I talked to this guy from Grassroots Campaigns, which does things for groups such as Planned Parenthood, the DNC, the ACLU, Amnesty International, and so on. I expressed interest. Then today they were in the student union building again and I talked to them and they said they were doing interest meetings for summer internships today! With interviews! And I should come!

I agreed, because I need a summer internship. But then it was just omg unexpected interview! And I don't even have a resume!

So I put together a resume. And I got dressed up in interview clothes, and brought my resume with me to the interest meeting. No one else who showed up was in interview clothes, or had a resume. I hope that bodes well for me.

I think the interview went pretty well. My resume centered on my political experience and volunteer work, which is basically what this organization is about. I think I came across fairly well.

And the guy said they're going to let me know within forty-eight hours! Eep. Much sooner than I was expecting. I'm going to be nervous until then.

This is actually not the internship I want the most--I still haven't done applications for editing positions, which is what I really want. But if I do get this, it will be a big relief that I at least have something, even if I can't get my first choices.

iv. I FINISHED FIC TODAY. More than that, I finished another fic in the With a Little Help from My Friends universe, so now I officially have an actual series going. I also have a better name for the universe itself, but I don't want to reveal it yet. :p

But the fics in this series seem to just grow. Like, the first fic I was thinking would be about 3000 words when I wrote it, and I ended up with 10,000. This new fic I was thinking would be 2000, and it ended up at 5000. I'm not complaining since I'm pretty happy with the pacing as it turned out, but wow, quite the discrepancy between my expectations and the reality. :p

v. I did the association meme, and shinyopals gave me these five things:


Dude, the awesomeness of grammar is so vastly underrated it's not even funny. The placement of a comma can change THE ENTIRE MEANING OF A SENTENCE! Isn't that cool?

But seriously, grammar is all about connections and relationships, and it can get so complex and intricate and awesome. There are so many shades and variables of a sentence that some tweaking can get it just right. Not plain good enough, but perfect in the meaning it gets across.

And it's fascinating. Specific things are correct for reasons, not just out of arbitrary whim. Once you understand the reason behind correct grammar, it's a lot easier to use properly. And I find it fun to puzzle out those reasons, to explain exactly what one thing is correct and another thing isn't. It's just...when everything clicks together, things just work.

University stuff
Heh. I talk about school because it's what's currently preventing me from being completely immersed in fandom.

But yeah, college student here. Currently a junior at the University of Puget Sound, which is a liberal arts college in the Pacific Northwest, and probably fulfills all the stereotypes of liberal arts colleges in the Pacific Northwest. :p And I do love my school, much as it sometimes annoys me by making me get up too early or read textbooks when I'd rather read fic and write papers when I'd rather write fic. For the most part I enjoy the things I learn about. I'd just rather sleep in and read and write fic! XD

Doctor/Rose cuteness


Really, just look at how adorable they are together. Nine keeps his arm around Rose to talk to zombies! They squee at each other on New Earth! The looks on their faces when they're reunited! THAT KISS!

They adore each other, and they're adorable together. What is not to love?

Harry Potter
Ah, Harry Potter. My very first fandom, and the one where I wrote most prolificly. It's been nearly four years since I regularly wrote for it, but I still wrote more for HP in two years than I have in the last four for all my other fandoms combined. Not sure about how word count totals compare, but individual fic-wise, I've still written the most HP. I also wrote the most porn. XD

I'm not involved in the fandom anymore, but I still think of it very fondly. It's the reason I got this LJ, and most of my friends here came from HP. For that alone I will always love it, because I ♥ my friends. :D

The X-Files
Oh, X-Files. When I first got Netflix the summer after my freshman year of college, Twin and I would rent shows and watch them together and bond. The X-Files was the last show we started to rent before I had to go back to school in the fall, and I quickly got sucked in enough that when my 19th birthday came around in September, I bought myself the entire series as a birthday treat. :p

I read a lot of fic--and I mean a lot of fic. Enough that I recced X-Files on crack_van and gave its own reclist on my website. The only fic I've managed to write for it were both remixes, and while I love them both, I don't currently feel the urge to write more XF fic of my own.

My canon sometimes ends after S7 and sometimes after S8. Rarely do I accept any of S9. The mytharc was a complete mess, and though I love MSR in fic, I think the show handled them much better when they just kept to UST. The new movie was all right, but not particularly distinctive.

pairing: doctor/rose, doctor who, picspam, x-files, shinyopals demands a tag, apprehension, college, fic stuff, harry potter, meme

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