(no subject)

Nov 25, 2008 19:30

Home now. Have been up since six and have not had any caffeine, so am also feeling quite tired. But I got home at about eleven and went to lunch and the mall with friends and in about an hour or so I'm going to go to a bar with one of them, so this might be a day without caffeine. Those don't happen very often.

I don't really have much to say right now, so have the fandom relationships meme I took from krabapple.

[The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp in the sheets.]

Oh, probably Harry Potter. I mostly read and write other things, but I still write the occasional HP fic and periodically read some and it's nice and nostalgic. :p

[The mysterious, dark, gothy one with whom you used to sit up talking until 3 a.m. at weird coffeehouses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized he really was fucking crazy.]

Supernatural. I was never religious about watching that show, but I enjoyed it, until I lost interest about mid-S3, and now I'm glad I got out of there when I did because it seems really crazy.

[The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor, and whom you'd still really like to fuck again although you're relieved (s)he doesn't actually live in town.]

Twilight. Um, yeah. There's just something...fascinating about it. It's very hard to look away from.

[The steady.]

Right now it's definitely Doctor Who, but I still haven't quite let go of Harry Potter...

[The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with.]

X-Files. I've written a couple X-Files remixes for Remix/Redux, but though I've wanted to write more XF fic, it's never really happened.

[The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with but ultimately you're just good buddies 'cause the friendship is there but the chemistry ain't.]

Torchwood. I like Torchwood, especially where it intersects with Doctor Who, but on its own it just doesn't grab me the way DW does.

[The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool guy except it's never really gone anywhere.]

Buffy. People keep telling me to watch Buffy, but it's never really happened.

[The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at him and thinking, "Him? How the hell did he land all these cool babes?"]

Stargate SG-1. Maybe I just need to watch beyond the first couple episodes, because I pretty much had to force myself to pay attention to those.

[The one your friend has fallen for like a ton of bricks and whom she keeps babbling to you about on the phone for hours, and you'd be happy for her except you just know it's going to end badly.]

I have to repeat krabapple's answer here, but bandom, 'cause RPF always feels like an iffy thing to me.

[The one who gave you the best damned summer of your life and who you measure all other potential partners against.]

Still Harry Potter. I met most of my flist there, and just had such a great time, even when my interest waned.

[The one that you will cheat on your steady with.]

Lord Peter Wimsey, though it's a ridiculously tiny fandom. I want more Lord Peter fic!

[The one that you’d look up on Friends Revisited]

House, I think. When I first started watching it, I read a few fics, but it was never really more than an acquaintance.

[The one that you’d change the locks on]

Sort of Doctor Who, because I'm going to live in my little world of pre-S5 stuff and COMPLETELY IGNORE STEVEN MOFFAT. The minute the last special ends, the locks are changed.

[First love]

Um, I think the very first fanfic I ever read was actually Rurouni Kenshin. I am still fond of that fandom.

[The one you first slept with]

Harry Potter, because that's when I first really started writing fic.

[The one who seduced you, fucked you over and broke your heart in a million pieces then laughed about it.]

Doctor Who. I love it still, but JE made me hurt, and the idea of Moffat being the next head makes me hurt more. And also, RTD literally laughed about that Dalek at the end of The Stolen Earth, because apparently everything can be improved by shooting the hero with a Dalek. (XD Which I think is funny, but still, the consequences made me hurt.)

meme, fandom

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