the man who makes armies run away

Aug 21, 2008 14:12

So yesterday velesia and I finally finished Doctor Who S3. I told her a bit about S4, which included some ranting about SitL/FotD, and I was inspired to create this picspam.

Because come on, what sort of army wouldn't be sensible enough to run away from this?

Monocle! XD

The checkered trousers and recorder are just so intimidating!

Or you could look at the time he was tied down and nearly transformed into this species that's obsessed with eating and has big fuzzy red eyebrows.

He's a cleaning lady.

And in case you missed that...


Four likes jelly babies. A lot.

He gets tied to a stake. So scary!

*sporfles* Time Lord robes look silly in the best of times, but with Tom Baker's hair?

He mimics the statue.

I thought the clown suit only came next regeneration?

Oh look, here it is.

He's strapped to a table and rolling down a hill. Good job, Doctor!


He's threatening to shoot himself. Well, I guess it saves a bullet for the army running away from him.

The Master makes him wear this thing. That's one person. What might an army do?

I don't know about you, but I'm completely terrified of men who get choked by plastic hands.

And who enjoy dancing to Tainted Love.

He's so proud of having a blinking torch on his head!

And because Ten is supposedly the Lonely God, have a bunch of him being dorky!

I r srs Doktor. I haz srs hat.

He has the quiff, he has the Vespa, now where's Elvis?

He has no clue that he shouldn't stick his fingers in other people's marmalade.

Are you a nine-hundred-year-old Time Lord, or a five-year-old waiting for the bathroom?

Radiation dance!

Armies might run from the Doctor, but the Doctor runs from slapping mothers.

Cartoons are much cooler than invading Sontarans.

Ten is very bad at charades.

There are, of course many more caps I could have used. I really wanted Four's trying on clothes sequence from Robot in particular, but couldn't find it. I also couldn't find any of Two running away from an army. :p (I was thinking of him running away from the Cyberman army in The Invasion.) Three in his cleaning lady outfit trumps almost everything, though. :D

The Doctor does have his dark moments, but at heart he is a big dork who'd be far more likely to run away from an army than have it run from him.

classic who, moffat makes me mad, very serious post, doctor who, picspam

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