I'm sorry, I'm finding it difficult to have any coherency. :D
Catherine Tate is amazing. The end where she realized how she had to die...Oh, Donna. Also, Wilf saying she couldn't shout at the world to make it better and her saying she could try? Oh, Donna. And her insistence that she wasn't special at all.
Labor camps. "That's what they called them last time." OMG That was totally heartbreaking. Just...oh, wow. It was understated, but so powerful.
Everything that happened without the Martha! SARAH JANE OMG. Sarah Jane's death and the little montage on the news just about killed me, it was so unexpected and heartrending. And the kids! Then Torchwood sacrificing themselves to get rid of the Sontarans...ohhh.
But really, how important Donna was to TRB is heartbreaking. The UNIT guy (was that Ross?) saying the Doctor must not have had enough time to get away--except we know from TRB that he did. But without Donna there to make him, he just didn't want to. Oh, Doctor. We've seen him suicidal before, in Rose and in Evolution of the Daleks, but circumstances saved his life in those. It's...sort of disquieting to have another look at how destroyed he was at being separated from Rose, that he'd actually go through with it.
After that, if we don't get a happy ending with Rose and the Doctor together, I am going to be so mad, and wonder what the hell RTD was up to.
Now, ROSE. ROSE ROSE ROSE ROSE ROSE. I literally squeed when I saw Billie's name in the opening credits. :D
And oh, Rose, when she found out the Doctor was dead...wah. But then her talking about the Doctor's hair? HEE. And I loved the way she watched Donna's reaction to the TARDIS--and, how the TARDIS woke up a bit to her touch. Awww. Also, her getting so much respect from UNIT was awesome, and the way she knew so much. She was just...SO Doctor-y.
She was the most blatant Doctor-figure in this episode, but Sarah Jane and Jack were also pretty Doctor-y, what with saving the world from the MRI and the Sontarans in the Doctor's place. We don't manage as well without the Doctor as we might, but we can still manage. Other people will step up and fill the gap when they can.
But back to Rose! When Donna asked her if she and the Doctor were...she didn't answer. It reminds me of S1, when they were constantly getting asked that question and were always quickly and easily denying it. Now I bet Rose doesn't know quite what they are, but that denying it would be a lie.
I love the way Donna hugged him at the end--she didn't even quite know why, but she knew she was so glad to see him. And so was I! I always miss him in the Doctor-lite episodes, but this one was more wrenching than the others.
And then BAD WOLF. The Doctor had an idea of who Donna was talking about, which solidifed a bit when told she was blonde, but then BAD WOLF. OMG BAD WOLF IS BACK YAY. I wonder if it'll end up a good thing again? I mean, it seemed pretty ominous and creepy even up to the point in Parting of the Ways when Rose had the revelation about it, and now it's ominous and creepy again, with the Doctor adding to the foreboding. And I don't think it'll save the universe this time, since it's Donna's time to shine, but Bad Wolf might still be a good thing.
Next week looks AMAZING. Seriously, amazing. I am so looking forward to the Companionpalooza, and I still REALLY, REALLY want the moment the Doctor sees Rose again.