(no subject)

Jun 12, 2008 22:37

About me meme, seen a couple places on the flist. Considering there's now a bunch of new people after I joined Who fandom, I thought it a good idea.

You know how sometimes people on your friend's list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you *should* already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

1. First Name: Corinne. I love my first name. :D And yes, it's what my username comes from--just an oddly spelled version of the second syllable.

2. Age: 20. But I will be 21 in three months, which I am...rather looking forward to. :p

3. Location: At the moment it's Reno, Nevada, though when I go back to school it will be Tacoma, Washington. I much prefer Tacoma.

4. Occupation: Student. Not really an occupation, but no career yet.

5. Partner: Single.

6. Kids: No kids, and don't really want any. People keep telling me that will change, though, so we'll see.

7. Brothers/Sisters: Two sisters, one twin and one younger. Yes, I seriously have a twin. *g* I am the eldest by about seven minutes, and then a year and a half. My twin, Linda, is currently on a summer internship, researching something about supernovas, apparently. She's a Physics/Astronomy major, which I think is crazy, but she likes it. My younger sister, Beth (19), is currently in Australia, after having been to Tanzania and Thailand, volunteering. She'll be back this summer, though.

8. Pets: Right now we have an eight-year-old dog named Comet, because my sisters watched too much Full House when we got him. Previously we've had a rat named Dinky, four goldfish, and two other dogs, Daisy and Blossom. My parents had Daisy and Blossom already when I was born, but they died when I was in fifth grade, and even though that was ten years ago, I still miss them.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

1) College. This worries me a bit more than it otherwise would. The spring of my freshman year (2006), there was a family emergency, and I had to go home for about a week. I don't want to discuss what actually happened, but it messed me up a bit, and I sorta deteriorated. I'm normally a good student, but while I managed to pass my Spring '06 classes, I did not do so well in my Fall ones. I failed a couple (when I've never failed a class before), and just decided to take some time off to get my head on straight. I spent a year going to a therapist, and then this spring I decided to take a couple classes at UNR, the local university, to get back into the school swing of things. I did very well in those classes, and now I'm taking a summer school class, and am looking forward to going back to Tacoma in the fall. Still, though, failing those classes means I've lost my scholarships, and UPS is...not a cheap school.

2) Fandom. It sort of feels like a cheat to say that, but I don't have a job and don't have much else going on. So really, my fandom involvement is one of the biggest aspects of my life at the moment. I'm not sure what to think about this.

3) No third thing, really. I'm rather at a boring point of my life.

10. Where and for what did you go to school?:

University of Puget Sound, with a few classes from University of Nevada, Reno. I'm an English: Creative Writing major, which is rather predictable, but lately I've sorta been thinking about double-majoring in Psychology as well. I'll have to see.

11. Parents?

Gene and Susan. My dad will be 57 this year, and my mom 55. They're both from farming families in California, though they met in Reno--over a blackjack table, I think, some kind of card game in a casino, which I find amusing. My mom actually describes it as love at first sight, and he proposed after about a month. This year will be their twenty-fifth anniversary.

12. Who are some of your friends?

My best RL friend is velesia. Other RL friends include manic_octopus, dreamingreader, heart_of_man, venus_pentacle, and some people who don't have LJs. As for people I met online, I have far too many friends to list here, but looking at my flist is a good indication. :)

A few other random things about me:
1. I'm left-handed.
2. I'm half-blind. I actually had a cataract as a baby, and have never been able to see anything out of my left eye.
3. My eyes are different colors. One is blue, and one is green. It's not obvious at first glance, but everyone who has actually looked at my eyes agrees that they're different colors.
4. At last count, I had about 600 books scattered around my room.
5. Countries I've been to, not including the US, are: Canada, Mexico, Italy, France, England, and Thailand.

Anyone have anything you particularly want to know?

college, family, me myself and i, meme, real life

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