My eyes have been feeling weird lately, like the past couple weeks or so. Sort of throbbing, but really low-key, only enough to be noticeable.
And I think I'm getting some vision in my left eye. For anyone actually reading this, I was born with a cataract, and though it was removed, I've never been able to see out of that eye. Considering I'm also so myopic that, without my glasses, I can't see clearly for more than three inches or so in front of my face, I have really crappy vision.
In the past several years, I've sort of been able to see colors, maybe general shapes. I have to be concentrating on consciously using that eye, which tends to make it hurt, but sometimes I could almost see stuff.
Lately I can see better. I still have to be concentrating on using the eye to discern what something is, and it's all sorta...dark-edged, with some grayish-white Anyway, I've never been able to actually discern stuff before.
I'm afraid to be optimistic. I've never particularly minded being half-blind--it's not like I've known anything else--but if I could possibly be gaining some vision in my left eye...
*does not know what to think*