Am home for spring break. Hurrah. Am also very tired (for some reason, flights always make me sleepy, even though it's not like I changed time zones...). I guess there's downtime on LJ tonight? Eh. I've got a GJ (guess what my username is), so I suppose if LJ dies beyond whenever it is I get the urge to update again, I'll be on there.
The DVD drive in my laptop randomly fell out today in the security line and broke. Er. I think it's finally time I let my parents buy me a new computer. When I'm not about to zonk out (what the hell? It's only bloody nine o'clock), I'll have to do some research, I guess.
thistlerose, I read Tamsin, and omg so good! I also got The Innkeeper's Song out of the library in Tacoma, and I think Giant Bones is in the library here in Reno. I'm going tomorrow anyway as I've got a book on hold, but I'll see. Why it took so long for me to start reading Peter S. Beagle, I don't think I'll ever know...
Going to curl up in bed with a book now. G'night.