My hair hurts. It sounds odd, but anyone who's experienced "sore hair" would know what I mean. If you nearly always wear your hair hanging down and then one day decide to pull it up into a barrette or ponytail, by the end of the day your hair follicles can be extremely sore from being pulled in a direction they're not used to. This mostly applies to girls, unless you're a guy who wears barrettes. :)
We just got home from the
Convention Grill in Edina. (They don't appear to have a website, so that link is to their review on CitySearch.) The place is constantly winning awards for best burgers, malts, etc. in the Twin Cities. It is delicious, but usually does quite a number on my digestive tract. I try to head it off with a Pepcid beforehand -- sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I learned long ago to be wary of greasy foods. But enough about that intriguing subject.
I heard a Christmas song on the radio the other day in which I could have sworn I heard Brian May's (Queen) guitar. In fact, I was thinking to myself, "If this is Queen, how can I not have heard it before??" However, a little investigation revealed that it wasn't Queen at all, but the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's song "Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24)." I was kind of disappointed having thought I discovered a hidden gem, but now I'm curious to hear some more of TSO. If the rest is anything like that song, it's definitely my kind of holiday music.