Last night I finally finished Barnaby Rudge! I don't know how many months I'd been working on it, but it felt like forever. I enjoyed it pretty well, too, except I'm still confused about one thing -- the murderer's motive. We found out who did it, and how he tried to make it look as though he himself were the victim, but if it was mentioned somewhere in the book why he did it in the first place I must have missed it. So I feel somewhat unfulfilled still. What I really need now is some kind of discussion forum where I can ask someone else who's read it. Out of all Dickens' works I don't think this one gets read much, so it's not like I can ask just anyone.
On Wednesday our first three movies from
Netflix came. After we got home from working out we popped in the first one: Babe (yes, the pig movie). I'd never seen it before but I have to say it was pretty fun, and I'm amazed at someone's talent for getting the animals to cooperate! Then last night we put in Braveheart, which Jonas had seen but I had not. It was OK -- I love when a movie or book gets me interested in knowing more about a person, event or time period -- and couldn't help wondering throughout the entire film which things actually happened and which were simply artistic license (and of course I had to look it all up afterward). I do not, however, like Mel Gibson, so I had to deal with that since he was the main actor, director and producer. OK, I understand he wanted to be the star in his big movie, but he's obviously a forty-year-old guy and his girlfriend in the movie, whom he knew from childhood, had aged to only twenty or so? That bugged me.
Our window blinds came yesterday from
Smith & Noble via UPS, except they screwed up our order. They sent two of the cloth tape pattern that Jonas ordered, and none of the one I had chosen. I'm annoyed, but willing to just hang what they sent because then we'd have to deal with shipping it back. We have done nothing in the way of decorating either of the two rooms they are intended for, so it's not like they're going to clash with anything at this point. Scratch that -- Jonas has called the company and they are going to send us another (correct) blind, and they said we can keep the wrong one unless they contact us within 30 days asking for it back. Excellent. It will be so nice to finally have some blinds at my computer. Right now for several hours around midday I can't even see the screen because the sun is glaring right in my eyes.
I am planning a little weekend trip for us to Madison this spring, probably when the students are on spring break. Jonas has been working so much lately he is going to need a break soon, so it should be a nice getaway. I'm not sure yet where we're going to stay -- I prefer around downtown, but it's not as likely that we can get a better rate there than out a ways. There is a bookstore/B&B called the
Canterbury Inn that I would LOVE to stay at (great location, Canterbury Tales-themed décor), but it's kind of pricey. I'm not going to set my heart on that, but I might call and ask about their rates. I am just looking forward to walking around my old campus and State Street, maybe eating at some of our old favorite places and doing some shopping.
Tonight I'm going to pick up some lasagna and garlic bread and we'll watch our third movie, La Vita è bella (Life is Beautiful). It won an Oscar (or more?) a few years back.