I have been way too lazy about this: TEEN TITANS PART 5 & 6! *throws confetti* Re-reading these last issues made me realize the momentum really started to fall apart in book 4 - we have a really strong 3 part story to begin this mini series and then, to the series' detriment, the last 3 lack a strong story throughline . At 6 issues, there's not a great excuse for falling apart halfway through. It's still a fun series, but I wish it would have stayed stronger till the end.
Looking back, I can't figure out why I decided making these GIF files was a good idea. Any future icon posts will be done with PNG or JPG, since those are nicer if anyone wants to use them as bases.
SO icon count for part 5 is 152. Count for part 6 is only 42 (It's my least favorite issue, and since art wasn't as involved, some of the icons start feeling repetitive.) There's 5 random icons that were placed in the wrong folder during the original posting... they're from somewhere in the previous 4 issues.
FINAL ICON COUNT: 654 icons for 6 issues. oy.
Take whatever you want, use however you want. Just drop me a comment, and credit if used :)
Previews (pt 5):
Previews (pt 6):
Randoms: I apparently put some of these crops in the wrong folder - I'm not sure which of the TT issues these are from.
Missed the start and want more icons? Check out the
first, the
second, the
third, or the
fourth set of icons in this series!