Hi everyone! :)

Jan 07, 2010 19:57

*Schwarzenegger's voice* I'm back! 8D

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing good in this new year~ *HUGS* :D It still amazes me it's already 2010, my mind keeps forgeting that sometimes and keeps writing 2009 XD
Anyway, it's cool to be home again~ (I have my bed!! and internet too!!! XD), I didn't forget my towel and all it's well with the world~ (at least for now ^^U) Although these days away from the city were really nice :) I was at a rural real state with a big part of the family (so cool! we were like 30 people there, wao), the house was NICE~ (seriously, it was really pretty and like 8 times my little apartment's size), it had a pool, a kiosk and a football field too :D What a reunion, lots of aunts, uncles & cousins, it was so much fun being there, and the weather was cold so we didn't have to worry about the awful heat we currently have in the city XP Waa, I'll miss those days ^^

Back in Cali, I welcome reality again XD (Have to also catch up with lots of things ^^UUU)


life, vacation

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