And... a random update?

Feb 02, 2007 16:40

Mm, I really don't know what to write anymore. I've become quite enamored with facebook because of the ability to just do a status update.
But.... evidently I'm not updating enough, and while Nic had the clever idea I make it so everything's screened just for him, I thought I'd give this another chance. Riiiight.
It's been snowing here. Two days in a row. But the roads aren't all iced up or anything, and the snow melts fast, so it's just kind of pretty to watch it fall. Nicole totally should have pulled out her shiny dress. *cough cough*
And... I seem to have gotten sick. Again. Bleh, that's happening more and more often. I got sick from the Richland kids. Where, btw, I'm taking two classes. I'm taking the rest at UNT, but this way my schedule works better. And I can get done in time and all. And... I made the dean's list. Which really isn't hard. And I'm taking all child development type classes, which means sitting through hours and hours of child theory. Which I took last semester too. Woo, way too much Piaget and Erikson. And I hate how taking psych classes makes you feel like analyzing everyone and everything around you. Suckage.
So... my favorite things to do currently are... color, hang out, play RO, talk to Nic, and... obsessively wait for my imports. XD
Hm, I am making new friends at school (THEY GOT ME SICK!!!) and I've become a bit of the resident tutor/brain, which is amusing. And I just saw Sumon's post about 11 year friendships, and I have to disagree completely (though I'm lucky, I haven't used up my 11 years with him, yet XDDD).
I think... that it's not a set amount of time. It's going to depend on more the two individuals. Take, for instance, the fact that I've known Nicole since early elementary school. We're still pretty close. She and Steph are the only two people from GHS that I actively keep up with. And I don't think we're getting stale. I think the fact that we have fights and spend obscene amounts of time away from each other just shows that we still care. And I think maybe I'm lucky that I don't see all of you every day still, we might get a little bored together. Though, for anything, I would see you all more often than I do.
Enough of that minirant. And... I've spent a lot of time thinking lately. I'm having a bit of a problem with my attitude at home lately, in arguing with the 'rents and such. And we've pinpointed why and what I've been so hung up on. And... I'd rather not go into that, it's kind of personal.
Also... I've become a bit estranged at my church. I love teaching my class, but I can't find a good class to teach me. I can't find a good fit anymore. I don't know, I'm working on it.
And... here's to eating a whole box of popsicles. I officially have a funny colored tongue.
-The End-
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