Nov 11, 2007 18:03
So, it seems that I am nearing the end of things here at college. I've recently been advised by the head of the physics department on what I have left to take as far as my degree is concerned. 17 hours all told, 14 of which I will be taking next semester. This potentially means that I will be done with college by the Fall of 2008. I'm kinda torn still about it, not really sure that I want to graduate then, but one of the best friends I could have ever hoped to have made gave me some sound council. The choice of graduating in the Fall of 08 or the Spring of 09 is not in my hands. Besides, I should be more concerned with growing the friendships that I've built here at college, before I do have to leave.
My schedule is looking really weird too.. I've never really had a semester where I didn't take a physics class, but next semester I don't have a single physics class (and if it weren't for the astronomy class I'm taking I probably wouldn't even be in the physics building at all next semester for classes). Astronomy, British Literature, General Chemistry 2, Differential Equations, and Bowling. Those are my classes for the next semester. And the semester after that, I have only Electronic Instruments to take. I'll still be running the planetarium on Thursday nights and teaching a lab class in Astronomy on Monday afternoons. Working at Chinese Kitchen as always.
So, hmm... yeah I feel rather odd about it all.
About reaching for the light...
I've got such a great motivation and drive to finish, to get to the top, but all the while I still feel like I have nothing left. I find that I'm pushing forward still, just with a lot less energy than towards the start of the semester. Still... there is a light, however faint, that I can see now. I will make this work.
Odd note here:
Not sure what's wrong with me (still don't know really..) but I went to bed really early last night, bad headache and such. Then didn't even get up for church (any part of it). I hope things are ok, but I still feel kinda weird, and I'm hungry a lot of the time now.. maybe it's a tapeworm, lol.
See ya around the galaxy...