Smallville: It's a long way down, baby. Plus Harry Potter Ponderings

Apr 29, 2006 09:37

Caught SV for the first time in ages. I saw their new(ish) opening credits, which was good, as I needed a laugh. Aah, wind machines, where would cheesy soap credits be without them?
Interestingly the actors all seemed to be on a turntable trying to catch the eye of the camera with moody pouty looks. [Interestingly enough, mirroring my Serious Beckett Look. See: also]
Heh!It's pretty crap now - thank god for fanfic.

Also, Clark's badass game face reminds me of Fr Ted's Dougal Demented, which is why I can't ever watch those RedK episodes without giggling. And really, have you ever seen Clark Kent and Fr Dougal in a room together?

Heh! I totally have Lana's cardie, just in black! Why doesn't it look that good on me!?

In other, non-related news I bought the new HP DVD, so I must ask

Harry Potter and the Facetious Queries.

I know these questions are kind of stupid, but I do wonder about them sometimes. Which prolly says more about me than it does about Harry Potter really.

- Harry and the Prophesy. -
Dumbledore says that Harry really is the one to kill him, because Voldemort made it so. This makes no sense to me. All the prophesy achieves is that Voldemort thinks that Harry is the one to kill him. There is absolutely nothing to stop someone else going after the Horcruxes and Voldemort, is there?
A clever tactician might exploit this automatic assumption of Voldemort's. Surely Harry would make good bait, thus distracting Voldemort and allowing another to kill him. "Harry's in Brighton, nowhere near your Horcruxes, Master - no need to worry… Oops, while you were chasing after Potter, Lupin went and destroyed all your Horcruxes and is standing right behind you with wand pointed at you, Sir."
More than anything, the prophecy makes Harry simply a target, not really a chosen one.

- Goblet of Fire -
I don't understand why once the organisers knew the competition had been compromised (through the shenanigans with Goblet) that they didn't abandon it, or at least close that particular competition down as soon as possible. I get that they were bound by a magical contract, but that contract seemed pretty vague as to what the champions must fulfill.
Why not just abandon all the dragon and maze plans and get it over and done with in as safe and quick a manner as possible, completing the contract in word if not spirit? Why not have a speedy 'Egg and Spoon' Triwizard tournament in the Great Hall that afternoon to fulfill the magical contract, and then redraw the contest? Why are they letting something that is so obviously compromised and contaminated with proceed in its entirety?
(See, this is where Muggles would have put in CCTV and guards and all sorts of security measures to protect the Goblet. As far as I can see, they only stuck a bit of an age-line around it which leaves it wide open to interference by, oh I dunno, anyone over the age of 17)

- GoF - The Maze and The Lake -
If they are going to let it proceed in a vaguely normal manner, why on earth would they let two of the tasks take place in such hidden places, especially since Crouch Sr.'s death, and the Fourth Wizard? Why not do something in clear view? Why not have something in the Great Hall where everyone can see what the champions are up to and there can be supervision of any possible interference?

- Dept of Mysteries -
I'm obviously missing something here. Why couldn't Dumbledore kill Voldemort then hunt for the Horcruxes? Even if Voldemort came back, and 'resurrected' himself, all they'd have to deal with would be him (the body) if they had found and destroyed the other parts of his soul. Killing off his corporeal form would have to slow him down, even if it couldn't kill him. You can't do much without a body, especially if like Voldemort you've got to rebirth yourself. They had in fact destroyed one Horcrux (the diary) before Voldemort rose/got back his body.
Furthermore, as was pointed out by (I think) sistermagpie, Bellatrix screeching about the Dark Lord being unable to get in unnoticed in the Dept, why did he think a group of Death Eaters in full regalia and including escaped convicts were going to be slightly more discrete? If they could have sneaked in, surely he with all his supah powers have managed it. Lazy, lazy boy. If he had just gone in there first he would have be spared the shenanigans of a battle, arrest of main henchmen, face off with D'dore, etc. He ended up there anyway, which I hope proved a lesson for his half-arsed Evil Overlord plotting.

Obviously, the main answer to these questions is: it was needed for the plot to go ahead in that certain manner. (Especially the GoF questions, which are really me being grumpy about it) However, this does not stop me from whining 'but whhyyy….?'

harry potter, smallville, gof

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