Apr 27, 2007 22:59
Although I am sure that everyone that reads my blog is not close minded I had to post this. The HPV vaccine that protects young girls from possibly contracting a strain of HPV that will cause them cervical cancer 20 or 30 years later in life is not ANTI CHRISTIAN!!! It is not going to encourage girls to run out and have sex without worrying about consequences. It is not going to intice or persuade girls to have sex just b/c they think that they can't get cancer!!
MAYBE...just maybe...if we were teaching our kids about sex then this wouldn't even be a debate!! Since we aren't then yes there might be girls who think that b/c they get the HPV vaccine they can have sex without worrying. If these people are really worried about keeping their kids from having sex then they should TELL THEM ABOUT SEX!!
On the news tonight they were talking about a city forum to discuss the new HPV vaccine that the FDA wants to make required for all girls entering 6th grade. This makes incredible sense b/c girls are having sex younger and younger and the vaccine is shown to work best if it can be given before any sexual conduct has been made....in my opinion they should give it earlier than 11 but hey no one asked me. People are really debating this?? Why does it matter if an 11 year old girl can actually understand what the vaccine is for?? We vaccinate babies against measles, mumps, and rubella b/c infants used to die from those diseases. We have almost iradicated Small pox b/c children used to die from it!! We vaccinate our children against so many viruses and diseases b/c they used to kill children. SO WHY wouldn't you want to vaccinate your daughter so that she won't develop cervical cancer and die at the age of 30?? I just don't understand how anyone could be so small minded....11 year old girls don't understand what rubella is either...they don't need to understand them. They also don't understand sex or what comes with it which is why we should teach them about it and why as responsible adults we should make sure that they can be protected when they make decisions that might not be that smart or they might not have the education and knowledge do any different.
So please...regardless of your religious beliefs or your beliefs on sex encourage people you know with young daughters to get the vaccine. Cervical cancer is the #2 cause of fatal cancer in women over the age of 30 years old. Women are being diagnosed with it at an earlier and earlier age, mostly due to the push for routine cervical exams. There aren't symptoms until its too late and NO ONE Should have to pay with their life for a decision they made when they were young. If there was a vaccine on the market to protect your daughter from HIV you would get it in a heartbeat!! So protect them against something that could kill them as well....there are 73 strains of HPV and only 23 of them cause genital warts...those aren't the ones that cause cervical cancer!! That is why its called a silent killer!
Pass this on please....and please talk to your kids about sex!! They are going to have it whether you talk to them or not...at least make sure that they know how to protect themselves. Knowledge is power and don't let anyone tell you differently!!
Thanks for listening...this concludes our public broadcast!!