I will post this for everyone to read....

Mar 14, 2007 00:52

I think it is complete bullshit that Bryan is putting his health at risk by staying awake for going on 6 days now to finish something that I feel like most of the original people could give a fuck about now but will definitely being taking credit for if it succeeds!! (No Marcia I don't mean you, but you know who I am talking about)

I AM COMPLETELY PISSED OFF!! I just got off the phone with Bryan again and I hear that when the animation was fixed (B/c someone couldn't do as they were told and not fuck w/things) it wasn't fixed correctly so now none of the background sounds are matching up with the animation. WHICH MEANS that now Steve has to take all the original files and put them in a new track instead of getting to just lay down the master track that should have fit~!!

This means that they are going to be there all night again...meaning Bryan won't be home to sleep meaning he is now on his 6th day of no real sleep!! BAD things start to happen when your body doesn't get enough sleep....and I am really really really pissed that the people who caused this whole fucking mess in the first place are at home sleeping while Bryan is awake still trying to clean it up!!

I'm pissed off!!
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