Nov 14, 2006 11:23
Cr = # of errors/# of guesses
typologies are nominal levels of measurement. They allow the researcher to summarize the intersection of two or more variables. they create a classification scheme. an example of a typology is merton's classification of deviant behavior
vertical: institutionalized means
Horizantal: Cultural goals
dimensions: accept, reject
A - conformity, B - ritualism, c - innovation, D - Retreatism
Sampling is a process for systematically selecting cases for inclusion in a study.
A sample is drawn from a "population" or "universe of study"
In your study you can mix the ways you select cases
why do you sample:
more cost effective
the units that make up the population are termed the sampling elements.
The sampling elements are your unit of analysis.
The population to be studied is given an operational definition and this creates the "target" or "study"
the smaller the population the larger the sample should be
you must decide on the relecant or appropriate size of your sample. there is no set rule on what size is appropriate. other than the smaller the population, the larger the sampling ration should be.
Sampling ration = sample size/Population size
The sampling frame is an even more operationalized definition of the study population.
A good sampling frame is essential for good research. list you choose your elements from.
A sample allows us to measure parameters(population) of the population
in a representative sample, the sample statistics (samples) will reflect the population parameter.
sampling interval = population size/sample size
SI = 40 nations divided by 10 (the sample size)