Oct 05, 2008 19:02
Hey all... Been a long time since I have posted and so thought I should let people know what is going on with me.
First and most important is I am in a wonderful relationship with someone I met out here. I met her at Nero (a boffer LARP) and we have been together about a month now.
Second I am no longer with Wells Fargo. Starting tomorrow I will be working for a video production company here in Burlington. I am very excited about it and will post more about it once I have worked some shifts.
Third I am still having a blast in my LARPs our here. In my VtM game I am currently Scenechal of the city and am really enjoying the plot the STs are rolling out for us. I missed my last Nero game due to schedualing conflicts with my VtM game but I am still having a ton of fun in Nero when I can make it out. Someone is trying to tell me there is an Epoch (Toronto boffer LARP) chapter in Edmonton but I don't believe them. They are apparantly going to provide me with proof.
I know I don't post here much but I read lj at least once a week.
Hope things are going as well for everyone in Edmonton as things are going for me out here!