Jan 06, 2004 17:03
Ryan E., Gary, and Brandon were all trying to kill me because they hate me and i was ducking in a car, and they were trying to shoot me and my Dad, and my dad shot at them and stuff and then I think my dad hit one of them so they backed off but I was really scared of them in the dream...puh....
-who else... crazy ass Tanya
I think that she needs to go to the doctor and gets some psycho analysis because she is weird and I never tryed to kill her but it is funny since it makes me laugh when I read it......^_^
I gots a yoda! ^_^
--Tanya with her crazy ass eyes O_o
Omg!!!!!!!! Look!!!!!!!! It's Billy!!!!!!! [22 Jun 2003|11:45pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]
Classmates.com is so wonderful!!!!!!!!! Look, I found my old friend Mr.Cocker!!!!!!!!!!!!
It makes me oh so very happy to know the Billy is still alive and not put in the mental institute for trying to kill his dentist like they were going to!!!! ^_^
<3 Melissa
I think the reason that she has become this way is because she has a secert inside her that she hasn't told anyone about and that secert is that she is in love with JULIA.....GOd these people make me laugh!!! RYan ^_^
wow... I'm glad I met Ryan now and not when he was friends with crazy psycho bitches....
fuckin' fuckers not worth a fuckin shit...BITCHES.... [18 Jun 2003|02:02pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Evanescence- Tourniquet ]
Hello all you sad ugly people...I hope the illusion of happiness came into your pitiful lives today.....NOT! hah......I hope you all die('cept for Jaime and Kyle and Dan) I hope you all get so screwed into the ground by some bored manipulator that you feel like killing yourself...I hope some weird ass freak stalks you and haunts your very dreams. I hope you get taken away from your life by kidnappers that don't really like what they are doing, but know no other way because of people like you. People who make others bow down to them with envy because their illiterate minds think that material things and looks matter so much because their guardians taught them wrongly. I hope you all end up marrying an abusive husband/wife and wish that you would have thought harder on your stupid judgments about everything. I hope someone tells you how wrong you are in front of a million people, so they can sit and point and laugh at you for always thinking you are right. I hope all you people who think you never do anything wrong fall into dark depths of despair and depression, because for once in your peanut sized brains you've realized you did something wrong.....wait...it's probably only half your fault, right? -lol- it always is......It's never anyones fault, because somehow we can't control our actions? Maybe you idiots out there should look a little harder at the real world...no, maybe not....it'd probably kill your puny, close minded heads..............
~Tanya the merciless
WOW......God she is fucked in the head....I am glad that I stopped hanging out with her when I did other wise she might have killed me ^_^ BiAtCh! Be on later to write some more