A discussion on FB reminded me how I miss live journal. So, I (like some others I know) am going to try to update more.
I plan to sit down and write up a 2013 recap, but I want to get some things done around the house today too since all of my appointments cancelled! One had a scheduling conflict, another sick, another changed to tomorrow... weird. But, I'm going to use it to my advantage. I've already hemmed some curtains that needed hemming (I just cut them to the right length and hung them earlier this year) and made another curtain to go over the window in the door that faces the back stoop. Next, probably dishes. Really need to do dishes...
One note I thought I'd pass on. If anyone is working on being healthier in 2014 and enjoys some accountability/challenge, there's an LJ group that is set up for it. Pretty small group, nice people. Basically once a week everyone comments and the person running it makes a little chart. It's for weight loss (so you weigh in each week) and you can add your own weekly challenge if you wish (like meatless monday, work out x times a week, whatever.) Anyway, if you want to join in, here's a link to the new challenge starting this coming weekend.
http://weight-comp.livejournal.com/145820.html Ok, to the dishes... Then maybe rearrange the freezer.