Hollywood Bowl 2008 - SNSD/Girls' Generation

May 19, 2008 19:46

the quality in these pictures are actually pretty bad. ;< i think my pictures go worse as the show went on.

[19] Pictures
Girls' Generation's Yoona, Tiffany, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Seohyun, Taeyeon, Jessica, and Sunny

SNSD was alright. They're so cute even though I only know some of their names. I feel like they could have done better? Idek, maybe I was caught up in the hype. They're so so cute though ♥ The SNSD Girl who sang with Chung Hoonhee was Jessica ♥♥ Jessica is my favorite :DDDD

This post also includes the picture with Shin Jung Hyun

[1] these pictures were taken by me and my friend (whom I forced enlisted to take pictures with me 8D) so the quality can kind've skip. also
[2] understand that we took a lot more pictures than this, but these are the better looking ones XDD;
[3] and they are 1/4 of the original sized picture (o__o;) and haven't been cropped in any way, so sorry!
[4] if you want the original sized picture of some of these, then ask and I can up it for you 8D;
[5] yes, they have watermarks. they aren't that big though. I'm asking that you don't edit them out, although I know it'd be easy. please leave them be ♥
[6] I doubt these pictures are good enough, but if you do take them, then you don't have to credit. just leave the watermark? ;__;


this picture is just... LOL.

Sunny. I hope you see this, binkikitty ♥




lol the quality of my pictures just got so bad compared to the SJT ones. ;____; sorry ♥

hb2008, hb, 2008, kmf, pictures, snsd

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