A Foreign Kind of Love 1/3

Apr 01, 2012 16:43

title: A Foreign Kind of Love 1/3
pairing: SiHan
rating: PG
summary: The moment Han Geng started liking the new Korean student, he knew he was going to fall. Hard.
notes: Romance. Angst. I really just need to get this of my chest.


Han Geng knew he was a selfish person.

But perhaps not selfish enough.


The moment he laid eyes on the new student walking timidly into the school, he knew he was a goner. Mostly because his female friends tended to flock to him about the latest gossip. And Siwon - who he knew later to be the name of the student everyone fancied - was definitely the latest gossip.

"Have you seen Siwon yet?"

Blonde locks of hair bounced all across the pages of the book in Han Geng's lap. A heavy sigh and a reluctant closing of the enticing novel later, Han Geng glanced up to see Jessica and three of her friends crowding around him.


Han Geng stood up and towered over them, only to find himself in the center of a squealing mob.

"He's so hot!" That's Taeyeon, Han Geng thought, trying to remember the brief introduction Jessica made between them.

"I heard he's super intelligent!" Yoona? She was said to be the prettiest, but Han Geng honestly couldn't see anything in her. Maybe it was just the fact that girls weren't exactly his type.

"He's so strong too!" Sooyoung (Han Geng couldn't be sure) held a dramatic hand to her chest and her forehead. Han Geng let out yet another sigh and started to seek for an exit out of this conversation.

"Look, I'm not interested in guys-,"

Total and utter lie, his mind mocked. But by now, Han Geng was used to pushing that part of his thinking away.

"So I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I really need to get to class-"

The girls were relentless. It was as if they didn't even hear him. He gently but firmly pushed them away and walked away, praying that they wouldn't follow. God must have heard him, but how ironic it was for him to be atheist.

Those were the older new students that were his friends. Two Koreans (now three) and an American in a Chinese school. He didn't know why he liked to be around the ESL students. Maybe it was because he was such a quiet person in general, and the ESL kids didn't really do much.

However, a specific student by the name of Siwon seemed to break that tranquility Han Geng cherished so dearly. He rolled his eyes. He had a feeling that Siwon would be all he would hear in school for weeks.

He was right.

Han Geng glanced behind Henry and Zhou Mi at their lunch table to see the numerous girls asking Siwon unnecessary questions they already knew the answers to. Siwon was getting stalked and he didn't even notice. He was being treated like a celebrity and Han Geng didn't understand.




A roll of his eyes.



It filled his mind to the point of almost making him insane. Henry reached over the table and placed a worried hand over Han Geng's.

"Geng are you alright?"

Han Geng adjusted his gaze and let it fall on Henry, the chubby-cheeked Canadian; another ESL student. The only difference between him and the other girls was that he actually enjoyed this one's presence nearly all the time.

"I'm fine."

If "being fine" meant trudging through another day of hearing more about this Siwon, then so be it. He was fine. Perfectly fine.


His eyebrow twitched when Jessica started drawing him into another conversation about Siwon. He hit his limit.

"For God's sake just go and talk to the guy if you like him so much! Invite him to dinner, invite him to a movie, something, anything! Just quit. Talking. About. Him. And go do something about it!"

The three girls sitting in front of him stared up at him in silent horror.

"Geng, you wouldn't understand. People just don't do that." Taeyeon nodded matter-of-factedly.

"Oh really?"

In his annoyed state, he walked right up to Siwon, ignoring the cries of protest behind him. He also attempted to ignore the curious stares from the other students that were standing by. The boy glanced up from his open book with wide eyes. Han Geng sat down in front of him with an impatient smile.

"Hi. Siwon right? Heard a lot about you."

Every word was sarcastic and spat out. Siwon blinked, not taking notice.

"My friends were wondering if you wanted to come see a movie with us Friday night."

Another blink.

Han Geng blinked back.

A raised eyebrow when Siwon's mouth opened to speak.

"I'm sorry. I can't go. I have a meeting with my ESL group at my house...on Friday night." His stunted Chinese was certainly interesting.

"Well, it was nice talking to you. See you." Han Geng stood up, and paused when Siwon stood up with him. He clearly had something to say.

"Do you...have...a cell phone?"

He wasn't serious, was he?

"Uh...yeah. I do." Surprised and taken back, his words came out softer and less spiteful.

"What is your number?"

Must be different culture. Huh. Funny. Never thought culture in Korea and culture in China would be any different.

Confused, Han Geng took the phone from Siwon's outstretched hand and punched his number in, returning it numbly. He was earned a shy, dimpled smile from the latter.

"I'll call you...so you can get my number too."

And with that, Siwon sat back down. Han Geng stared at him, awkwardly saying goodbye before walking back to his friends. For once, their excited chatter fell deaf on his ears.

The only reply he could think of, came out stupider than ever due to his confused state.

"So he dresses stylishly. Whatever." He muttered, stalking off to his next class.


"Hello. This is Siwon."

Han Geng still couldn't believe that Siwon actually called him. Hasn't calling been basically kicked out by texting now?

"...Hi. How are you?"

"I'm heading to the library right now. Do you want to come with me?"

Siwon was just full of surprises, wasn't he?"


Gone was the hate and the bitterness that he had once felt for the foreign student. It was now replaced by curiosity and confusion.

Han Geng guessed that was why he was now reading a book in a chair at the library, right next to Siwon. He couldn't help but steal glances at him from peering over the top of his book.

He's not that hot, what was Jessica talking about... He brooded to himself.

"Skip." The small word broke Han Geng in his thoughts. He automatically looked down to see Siwon crossing out a word problem for math. It occured to Han Geng that he hated word problems because of the fact that it was written in Chinese. He chuckled silently behind his book.

Siwon caught his smile and grinned a bit before turning back to his math sheet.

"I hate word problems too." Han Geng found himself saying.

"You do?" Siwon chuckled softly.

Han Geng smiled at his small laugh and looked down at the notebook Siwon was writing in. His eyes bulged in wonder.

"Your handwriting is so neat!" He blurted, without much thout. Siwon smiled.

"Thank you."

The second thing Han Geng noticed was that there was barely any work, other than the problem itself and the answer. It seemed that Siwon did the work mentally. Immediately, he thought back to what Yoona said about him. Maybe she was right. Siwon did seem intelligent.

Intelligence is hot. His mind piped up once again.

Shut up. Came his sensibility.

You know you can't deny it. Was that his heart?

Traitor. His sensibility hissed.

"Do you know Korean?" Siwon's voice was soft as always. Han Geng stopped the feud he was having with himself to answer.

"Well...I only know a little bit." His accent was bad. He couldn't bear to show what little knowledge he had of Korean to a native!

"What do you know?" Siwon looked up innocently, putting down his pencil.

"I'd rather not say." Han Geng chuckled dryly to himself, only to have Siwon smile at him in encouragement.

"Oh, come on. It's okay."

"Um...how...are you?" Han Geng said, knowing he messed up the words. Siwon grinned at him, clearly amused. Han Geng took once glance at him and hid his face out of embarassment.

"Shut up."

Siwon responded with deep laughter.

"It's okay, it's okay." He said cheerfully.

It was only afterwards when Han Geng grudgingly admitted to himself that he liked the sound of Siwon's laughter.

A half hour of little quiet chuckles and inside jokes later, Siwon looked at his watch.

"Oh...I have to go grab some dinner. Do you...want to come with me?"

Han Geng nearly fell out of his chair.

"...Me? Go with you? To dinner?"

It was the first time anyone formally asked him out to dinner, and it would be an understatement to say that he was shocked.

Siwon nodded slowly and smiled, flashing his dimples.

"I'm in the mood for Italian. How about you?"

"Oh, uh...no, I'm sorry. I can't go with you. I have...work to do at home. You know...chores...and, uh..." Han Geng found himself unable to form words into sentences that actually made sense.

Siwon stood up and shook his head.

"Don't apologize. It's okay."

"Maybe another time?"

Siwon nodded, gathered his things, and began to depart. When he reached the main entrance, he turned around, gave a final wave and smile to Han Geng and left.

Han Geng just sat there for a few minutes, staring at the blank table, wondering what just happened. He also briefly noticed that he only managed to read one page of the book he was assigned to read today.

His mind kept running off to how Siwon was so close to him, how he smiled, how he acted, how he laughed, and Han Geng wondered why it was so easy to be himself around someone he barely knew.

His heart thumped hard once, sending an exciting but not painful surge of blood throughout him.

Traitor... His sensibility whispered once again, only to come out weak, frail, and unconvincing.


A/N: What inspired this, you may ask? Meeting a new Korean ESL student who waltzed into my life and completely RUINED IT. /sighs/. Yes. I'm a bit torn up over him. You'll see why as I put up the other parts.

hankyung, wongeng, livejournal, han geng, sihan, siwon, super junior

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