Title: To Be Ordinary
rssj1314Pairing: Sungmin/Ryeowook
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU!Romance/Supernatural(ish)
Length: One-Shot
Summary: To be ordinary was his dream; unfortunately, not all dreams come true. He really believed so until he met him, then his life took a turn. Maybe things could change, after all.
He walked briskly through the wet pavement, relieved that aside from a few scratches beneath his clothes, no one would know he was near death the night before. Title: Playful Tune
Pairing: Sungmin/Ryeowook
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU!Romance
Length: One-Shot
Summary: It started off as a bad day from work and bad timing on his neighbor's part. He went to give a piece of his mind but left with a lasting first impression.
"Don't you think you should make your move?" Title: Captured Misgivings
Pairing: Sungmin/Ryeowook
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU!Drama, Romance, Fluff
Length: One-Shot
Summary: He hated the brilliant smiles, false pleasantries, and the forced impression of it all. Barely giving a second glance to a person who followed that sort, but his pleasantry was true, his smile was beyond brilliant and his impression was hardly forced, but honest.
“All for one and one for all,” was the only phrase anyone could hear amidst the mass of people; perhaps it was for the best.