Title: It Was Leslie Knope, With the Candlestick, In the Snakehole Lounge
Pairings: Janet Snakehole/Burt Macklin, Ben/Leslie, Ann/Chris
Word Count: 5600
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Burt Macklin is about the crack the biggest case of his life.
A/n: My fic for the Leslie's Birthday Exchange!
Saucydiva requested a Spy AU, and probably got more than she bargained
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The story is really cute too. I'm always pro-Janet Snakehole/Burt Macklin, and your Macklin voice always tickles me. And each of the endings is so well- crafted!
Leslie as the undercover spy pushes every single spy fantasy I've ever had to the forefront. Her and Brendanawicz as partners was adorable, and April Janet secretly hiding him was wonderful.
Ben, who just looks guilty, was absolutely perfect. I love that Burt let her go, in the end. Favorite line: "You have no idea what I've been through!"
Chris's story was a delight, and I love the double-crossing and sort-of compliments. Favorite line: "...it's clear to me that you have absolutely no knowledge that you're sleeping with a known criminal."
Ann's too perfect to commit murder, of course, at least according to Ms. Knope, but it's perfect that she'd abduct him to protect him. And My heart just broke for poor Macklin, having to arrest his girlfriend.
And obviously Donna's a hired gun. That's just, amazing, and out of all the scenes I wish I could actually see acted out, I want the one of the two women pointing their guns at each other.
And Ron, guilty, because of Tammy. Just, I can't even.
I love how well each of the endings work, and the M/S relationship in its many different ways to end, and how clever this whole thing is, and it's just... so cool. Thank you for this amazing exchange gift!
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