Despite not intending to, I ended up pursuing the row on my trope bingo card with the Harvest Festival AU trope. That was seriously the only thing I was actually trying to avoid. And since it did not magically trade places with another square, I had to figure out something to do, a task that seemed impossibly hard. There are so many Harvest Fest AU fics, and nothing I brainstormed seemed remotely new or interesting (or at the very least, I didn't come up with anything new or interesting that wouldn't turn into something epically long). So I decided to attempt something crafty instead.
So this is my Harvest Festival AU: a Ben and Leslie making out at the Harvest Festival magnet
It turned out better than I expected it to, honestly, even though my cross-stitch Ben and Leslie MIGHT look like their faces are melding together rather than that they're kissing. But hey, at least they look human, right? And also my Ferris wheel turned out SO much better than my first attempt, so I'm happy.
One more fill to go!