May 03, 2005 07:55
I think all of my entries from now on begin with this statement. "I haven't posted in a while so _____."
Recently life has been confusing yet exciting, lethargic yet busy, etc. etc.
I don;t know what the summer and then fall semester is going to bring me. I keep getting mixed feelings about everything. Do I really want to go back to Mobile for the summer? Well, of course I do: I get to be with my friends who I've known since high school or even longer, I get to work full time, spend more time with my family, and those day trips to the beach. But I know I'll want to hang out with her, then come two months later I'll be attached. Then there's Louisiana, my new "home". I'll be coming back to Baton Rouge a few times for SG stuff, but the campus will not be the same as it is on a Tuesday at noon in April or on the night of a football game. I have met so many people here, yet very few compare to my friends from Mobile and espically her.
I went to Nawlins this weekend for Jazzfest and the PGA tournament. Friday night with the Loyola kids and Saturday night with the Jewlane (I had to throw it in there again, and sober this time megan) croud. I had a great time both nights and really do enjoy the fact that the bars there do not have to close at 2am like they do in Baton Rouge. To recap the weekend: I got there Friday night and hung out with emily and then went to Tucks and the Boot. It was nice walking up to the bar and getting my own drink without having to ask someone with a wristband. Saturday morning I woke up to rain and lots of it which changed my schedule greatly. Em and I went downtown and got Cafe du Monde, very good as always. After the rain, I went to the tournament for a while with a friend of mine from town. We watched a few groups and chilled there for a few hours...taking full advatage of the free food complements of my dad's vip passes. That night (and the whole weekend actually) was honestly one of the most fun I've in a while. Going out that night with Megan and 7 or so of her sorority sisters/girls from her dorm was pretty damn bad molly wouldn't go out, haha. The weekend also made me think and I decided that if I go to grad school for Political Science, I'm going to somewhere like Georgetown or Tulane. It simply amazed me meeting people from all over the country that came to New Orleans to go to school. 85% of those at Tulane are from out of state, compared to 10.5% at LSU. I just find it very interesting meeting people from different cultures, walks of life, etc.
My birthday was yesterday. The many facebook messages and phone calls were great no matter how annoying it was to delete the emails saying emily otto, andrew remson, lizzie st. clair, etc, etc changed my wall. Thanks guys for that!
The big conflict happened last night. Molly, a friend of mine took me out to dinner for my birthday. I know we will be good friends for the duration of college because we both like to be very involved, espically with SG. I'm not attracted to her, or really anyone here right now because I'll be in Mobile for the summer, but I don't put it past me that we could date later on. I didn't go out last night becuase I needed to go to class this morning since I haven't been in over 3 weeks. Stephanie, a friend of mine, came over and brought me cookies and we hung out for a while and well...ended up making out. Stupid me wasn't thinking and now I have to be the "typical asshole guy" and explain to her that I don't really want to be with anyone right now. Basically, it just didn't need to happen.
I'm going back to New Orleans today to fill out transfer papers to Tulane...only kidding, I'm staying at LSU but my brother's 8th grade trip is there and I haven't seen my family in forever.
Speaking of family. My grandpa called last night, I almost cried and I haven't done that since my grandma's funeral. The guy is so amazing, he sounded okay last night, but I can tell he's still upset...49 years of marriage will do that to someone. He kept reminding me in our conversation that he'll give me my present when I get back to Mobile, because thats how my gma was. He also never really did any of the gift shopping and such for us. I honestly could care less about what I get from him, he's the last grandparent I have and being around him is much greater than anything tangable. Returning his call last night reminded me that I haven't really called him in a while, I'm still used to Maw-Maw calling every few days to see how her oldest grandchild is doing and then her calling him from the other room to say hey.
Class is almost over, I'll see everyone soon!