let me flail with this first lol
kame with silver hair is just.. ♥
handsome is handsome and your argument is invalid.
oh sephiro-*oops* BEMu-samaa~ ♥♥♥
yesterday was
hamaocha's birthday and tomorrow is
jindaluver's birthday, so i wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the both of you :)
anway, i changed my header :D
it looks messy but idk i like it lol :>
about the tittle, yes, i really wish i could
like i've said to
kurakura_chan we have the same problem *hugs*
it's really hard to say "no" to someone who asks OTL
i care way too much about everything ORZ
tbh i'm tired but it can't be helped (◕︵◕)
someone please teach me how to change this onegaaaaaii ( ಥ╭╮ಥ )
i know it must be the biggest reason why i have a MAJOR mood-swing
MAJOR, i tell you
and it's SOOO bothersome :/
even if i say "IDGAF", i can't totally act like that eerrrr めんどくせ。
and when i feel annoyed sometimes i have to act like usual so i hope no one will ask me why
am i wrong? D:
i envy you who can really ignore something like nothing happens :/
teach me how!