Well, it only took me how long to finish that Anime? Still, I loved it. So, so much. At least now my 99.5% certainty that it was Luke is up too 100%. Asch-y poo made no promise.
But at least he got a sword! :D
Also, I would like to point out to certain people *cough*Drache*cough*, that my initial timeline was correct. Luke was gone for two years. :3 I was confused all this time, because the Score specified N.D. 2018 and...yeah. I'm nerding.
Mieu is also somewhat less annoying in Japanese.
The whole anime just pleased me so, so much. Ion made me cry, though. T_T I love that lil' guy...
I really need to replay the game, now. I will...eventually. I'm just somewhat annoyed that my 180+ hour file data corrupted, so I'm putting it off...way off.
Ugh, I know I had more to say, but I'm too tired to think anymore. That Anime was just so amazing I had to say something before sleep.