May 02, 2007 22:16
A little damage to my car and a Moho's today. Just bumber stuff but I'm feeling pretty aggrivated about it. I hate that intersection by my driveway, it's too hard to see and people go too fast. We're handling off-insurance because I don't want to deal with that crap while I try to change my license and get MA insurance. I got an estimate at a small repair place today that was $1400 just for my car, I think they were trying to play me though so I'm going to get another estimate from the honda dealer. I'm fine and everything is going to be all right, but it put me in my bad space.
I'm mad at myself. I don't feel safe with myself. I want to be comforted by someone who makes me feel safe, but that's too much to ask. You know what I mean?