Title: When I Say Shotgun
Rating: PG
Pairing: Rydon
Summary: "Life is full of seasons, Brendon. I know, I know - I miss him just as much as you do, but you have GOT to move ON! You're practically a vegetable these days. Get some help. Please, get some help." But Spencer didn't get it, and really, Brendon never expected him to.
Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own any of these guys. I mean, last time I checked, you couldn't buy and claim people. But the Shannon lady I get half credit for - I made her up; but her name is from Chuck Palahniuk's book, Invisible Monsters.
Author Notes: I was bored on a road trip without internet - resulting in this~ The whole thing's loosely based off of Time To Dance. And I have nothing against Ryan, by the way. I love him just as much as you do. This is just the way everything played out, sadly. *dabs at eyes*.
Warnings: eventually, character death; for now...um, depression? Severe, severe depression.
Give me envy, give me malice, give me your attention