Jul 11, 2009 06:42

I'm falling in love with Panic's new song/demo "OH GLORY" like OMG! It's a kick-ass! Fuck yeah, ftw! They're awesome. And who said they can't survive without Ryan's undenying ability on writing lyrics? If someone already said that... Then FUCK YOU! It's a fucking great song! No one can deny that! HOLYMOTHERFUCKINGSHIT! I'm so excited for their new album already! But... The only question is, who's gonna replace Ryan and Jon? Or maybe they're not gonna be replaced, because a piano/guitar[Brendon] and drums[Spencer] can work together fine, right? So yeah... I totally love it!

EDIT: And can you seriously forget about Eric the-man-made-of-awesomeness? I think not!

oh glory, brendon urie, panic! at the disco, spencer smith, new album

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