Warning: Incoming Nerd Post

Feb 02, 2010 14:57

I know I haven't posted in a while. I actually tried a few weeks ago and the network ate my post. So, I apologize that my update is both nerdy, and boring to those not in-the-know.

Earlier, Jim, Aki, and I were talking about playing a Mass Effect game using the Star Wars Saga Edition rules. Because I have a boring job, I've had some time to think about it, and I wanted to share my thoughts.

The Quarians have to wear a protective suit at all times due to their lack of an immune system. When playing ME:2 last night, the game presents the player with an injured Quarian. His suit had been punctured, and though he had patched it almost immediately, he was certain he would get an infection (which he did later). This brings up an interesting idea about Quarians and combat. Since PnP games are so action oriented, how might one simulate this weakness without bogging down combat?

And so, my idea!

Whenever a Quarian character is moved down the condition track due to physical damage, the GM makes an attack roll versus the character's newly lowered fortitude. If the attack misses, the Quarian is fine. If it hits, then the suit has been punctured. Once the suit is punctured, the character is no longer attacked in this way, as the damage has been done.

If this method generates too many attack rolls, the GM could instead make only a single attack at the end of each combat.

In either case, the Quarian is now in serious danger. At the end of the day, the Quarian gains a persistent condition which pushes him one step down the condition track. For every day afterwards that the character remains untreated, this condition worsens be an additional step per day. After five days without treatment, the character dies.

Obviously, this rule would make Quarians very fragile. I'm not sure what could be given to balance it out: perhaps a free tech power? Anyone have any thoughts?

Post from mobile portal m.livejournal.com

pnp, mass effect

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