Snowflake Challenge - Day 15

Jan 15, 2015 09:22

In your own space, create your own challenge. What’s something you want to see more people doing in fandom? Is there something fun you’ve tried that you think other people would enjoy if they gave it a go? Dare your friends to try it out, and have fun with it.

I made it to Day 15! Yay! Some of these challenges were surprisingly hard, but I'm so glad I did it. I'll definitely be on board again next year. :)

Okay, the final challenge...

First of all, I would urge people to leave feedback more often. If you read/see something and love it, tell the creator! It only takes a minute, and it makes such a difference. Believe me. Self-doubt can be fought so much more easily when you have a lot of people in your corner. Kudos is great, but comments are love. And recs even more so. Remember that fandom is about give and take. We're all here for love, not money.

Next, I would like to see less of the judgemental side of fandom (which I see particularly on Tumblr). Allow yourself to love whatever you want, and do the same for others. You might not agree with a particular pairing or trope, and that's your right, but everyone is different. Live and let live. Don't tear fandom down with hate. Love and respect your fellow fans.

Lastly, push yourself to try new things, whether it's new pairings, a new way of writing/creating, or signing up for fests/challenges. Put yourself out there and get involved. It might not always work out, but that's okay. Just try again. It's worth it. If your muse can be a little unreliable, try writing drabbles. There are a lot of drabble communities out there that provide weekly prompts - perfect for rekindling your creativity, or just to keep you writing through tough/busy patches in RL. If you're a fandom lurker, step into the light and get to know people. Try creating something yourself. Fandom is a wonderful place, and I promise you, you won't regret it.

And that's it for this year! Thanks everyone, I had a blast. Fandom rocks. ♥

snowflake challenge, fandom

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