Sep 01, 2006 13:23
I think its interesting to look at other people, those people who depend on eachother to function. In moments of weakness they hold eachother up. Sobbing on your shoulder as you support them, and then back again. It happened last night when Chris's uncle passed away. He was pretty bent out of shape, and Chelsey immediately was trying to work plans to visit him as soon as possible. We had Big Mike give em the ride down and everything. I mean I did what I could to cheer him up. Bonded as only geeks like us can, playing sega genesis, with Altered beast and Gunstar Heroes.
I look back and wonder where such people really where when I had my moments of grief or when I couldn't take it anymore. Where I could barely speak coherently because I was so upset or frustrated or overcome with grief. I've pretty much had to take it on my own. Its hard to see someone thats your best friend seemingly get handed everything in his life, and everything being easy, and all his problems seem like small potatos because they're minor next to all his bonus's. Its pretty grating on my nerves, I won't deny it. He's my best friend and like a brother to me, but to see everything handed to him and all he has to do is suffer some nagging from a parent.. well.. Geez. Where I have to deal with lawsuits.
I mean his girlfriend even took the day off so she could spend time with him because of the whole grieving thing. I remember when I was in the hospital. I didn't even warrent a visit until after a movie was done. So much for top priority eh? It stings a big and has been on my mind for a bit so I figured I'd let it just melt out. Through everything all I've learned is to stand on my own two feet without the support of others. I suppose I'm a stronger person because of it, I can not only carry myself, but I can carry others with me, and routinely do. While its fine and dandy that I'm all tough because I deal with things by myself, I wonder if it hasen't hampered my ability to deal with most others in many a circumstance.. Ah well.
We were playing a game, Chelsey, Big Mike, and myself. Chelsey asked what D&D alignment would suit us best. I got "Lawful Good". Mike joked about that not being a brainer at all. I quipped "Lawful stupid is more accurate." considering the things I do for people. Hmm.
Well thats all for to day.
I'm reading more Naruto. <3
Some people need someone to help them stand, others learn to stand on their own.