Kapow Photos

Apr 23, 2011 23:27

Been trying to crack on with Spire a bit more. I've just finished the bluelines for page 16 and 15. fourteen is mostly inked. It's coming along well and the biggest nastiest pages are almost behind me.

Kapow was an excellent experience. much better than many would expect, full of enthusiastic people (possibly helped by the fact that tickets were preorders only and cost twenty bob, you want to get what you paid for) and as much as people consider the US comic scene over-covered it was nice to see something this developed and be a part of it. The venue was excellent, big and airy, and signings were carried out in a way that meant queues didnt obstruct whole aisles of tables constantly. Angel's very good for food too. ate a lot of burritos.

What i missed was the participation of most other small press folk, the ones that were there were all friendly as hell, but there's something a bit melancholy to not see the usual faces in the pub at the end of the day. Hung out with the lovely people at orbital comics http://www.orbitalcomics.com/ quite a bit, and drew many a doodle of the ladies working over at the cybercandy stall. The shared costs of the table were all covered just about so that's grand.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/lizabetbet/tags/kapow/ took the above piccer

This is my crew

These are our fresh jams

Opposite a Batman game advert for two days, you memorise a lot of silly dialogue "HEADS OR TAILS KITTYCAT"

Cosplay of the highest standard abounds

Josceline's comic made in about half an hour to help kids learn to comic themselves

meanwhil;e me and paul took part in the world record attempt for most contributers to a comic book.
I drew Mark millar's superior catching a plane while John McCrea complained about Millar. Was pretty cool.

heroes and villains

shiny beast

Got a lot of doodling done, Cable the Duck here. I think my favourite drawings were of spidey, punisher and Mr Fixit Hulk for three young lads. There's something great about drawing a mobster grey hulk for an 8 year old.

I will make all the faces.

The might crotch of Moon Knight, this summer from Marvel!

my freind David, who spent both days going around breaking people in his excellent bane outfit. He won the cosplay contest and rightly so!

Supes and lex have a fag and beer break.

Doodles for cybercandy girls

Diggin' for kryptonite

SUCCESS! (end of show and supes is legless again)

My chunk of the table on the second day, paul and Josceline going a bit mad.

Opposit the waner brothers booth. Intimidating? NAH.

Rollerderby girls are as ever an essential part of comic shows (what?) but they handle stairs worse than daleks.

an entire comic convention fuelled by import candy, it's like I'm really at MCM!

another couple doodles for cybercandy girls

This one wanted catwoman because she was, in her own words, "a filthy bitch"

behind the scenes shot.

Damian Wayne holly

A defaced free copy of looking for Group volume 3


Quality comics.


Sales gimmick for comic sated public on day 2.



entirely unprompted Sales help


Sinister Six meets Secret Six.

I love it when a con comes together.

conventions, comics, art

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