leeds n that

Dec 12, 2010 12:49

Just realise I never crossposted my Leeds show stuff from my DA, also it mentions RY, which a bunch of you will have already noticed me going on about in other locations:

That's right this is a pretty big one, cos there's my Leeds show report to come but FIRST!

FUCK YEAH, WEBCOMICS CLICK THAT BANNER! A year to the day since the last update of series 1, RY kicks and screams its way back to the internet. Lets hope I can keep it around or else this is another of those empty promise webcomic returns. 1 update a week for a while while I get on top of it, hopefully it will be a lot of fun!

and then Leeds!

Thought Bubble is always a lot of fun, and always very cold. it's one of the best organised shows, has some of the best punters you could ask for (and a couple who sneer at me, but as long as I can do the same to them it's okay) and tea just inside the door.

They get good guests too, I got to meet becky Cloonan and everything.
See this is me meeting her (cheers for the photo i was completely unaware of, Matthew)

And here's the wicked cool Trucker bee sketch she did for me:

fun show, dinner, and then a night of drink and dancing in the casino round the corner before crashing out on a hotel room floor and walking back to the house i was staying at through the freezing streets of leeds sprinkled liberally with used condoms and blood. Small Press is rock n roll.

For more photos and links to other people's reports, check out this link http://forbiddenplanet.co.uk/blog/2010/thought-bubble-2010-one-day-of-wonderful-comic-ness/
which also has me in the first picture (you can see the stitch hat)

Feels silly posting this here like a month late.

reckless youth, conventions

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