(no subject)

Mar 16, 2010 14:29

The UK webcomics thing is approaching rapidly (It's on the 27th). a little too rapidly for me... I'm afraid i wont have much new stuff on show this time. there'll be a new Claude Will fight you collection though. i can promise that much. It'll have a lot less in the way of journal comics this time. may contain a five page short story I'm mulling over in my head.

right now.

this second.

I've only got a very limited supply of the Island of Dr Moreau to sell now. i don't think i'll be printing anymore after this set, because the runs are getting so small on it that it's started to be un cost effective. cost ineffective? hmm... anyway, there's like, 14 of each left.

ummmmmm yeah. Spire really killed all my comic production this year. I'm a bit bummed about that. I wanna produce some more accessible things for the next few shows. considering doing a Tyrannosaurus Hades one shot.

Anyway, could see you there! http://www.ukwebcomixthing.co.uk/

uk thing, conventions, comics

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