The O.C Finale... thoughts.

May 19, 2006 12:47

Dead!Marissa? Well I'm surprised but not shocked. Would have been better if they hadn't all the massive spoilerish rumours running rampant.

I'm sad. I wasnt a fan of Marissa really that much but she was one of the original characters and I hate when they are killed off. Now they'll replace her with Anna & Taylor and ugh, I just can't take obvious character replacements. I have this thing where I remain loyal and steadfast to original pilot characters and get rather miffed at other characters coming in, it's rare that I like newbies let alone replacements.

But YAY Ryan angst though damnit where was his injuries? Injured!Ryan is awesome and it had all that lovely potential but no, total cop-out. Grrr Josh grrr.

the o.c

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